Friday, May 16, 2008

Random Thoughts

People are probably not reading this any more but thought I would post some thoughts as I have been trying to debrief myself since I have returned home and reflect on some of my experiences.
It is my prayer that I can bring what I have learned and how I have changed from my time in Rwanda back to the United States and truly have it affect and infiltrate my life here...I want it to impact everything from work to relationships to my view of life. I really do not think that I have seen that yet but maybe my expectations are higher then it should be. Maybe it will just be more subtle differences...I don't know. I want to integrate my life and experience in Africa as much as I can with my life here in the U.S. but I am unsure how to do that. I know that the Lord brought me there for a purpose and has brought me back for a purpose and I pray that my change and growth has and will make a difference.